ABCD Confidence Coaching Program

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Depression, anxiety, procrastination, frustration are all different kinds of negative self-hypnosis. It is a thinking habit, a habitual thinking pattern. If you want to feel warm, loving, at peace and become confident, you needed to break this habitual negative thinking pattern, and bring your thinking and emotions into a more positive thinking loop.

ABCD Confidence Coaching can and will help you to break this habit, as well as create a new positive habit. I can teach you how to do your own positive self-hypnosis. ABCD Confidence Coaching is to train you to create this kind of positive self-hypnosis program.

This is a 10 hours coaching program, you will have a transformational change. I will teach you how to hypnotise yourself and become the person you truly want to be. All the change starts with yourself. For that reason, I only accept those who take responsibility for their own lives and teach them how to have the life they want.

ABCD Coaching Program: US$5000. Click “Add to Cart” to Pay:btn_cart_LG

ABCD Confidence Coaching Program can help you with depression, anxiety, social fear, procrastination, relationship problems, inability to concentrate, shyness, severe insecurity etc:

  • Get to know yourself and the world objectively
  • Replace your negative energy with positive energy
  • Clean your psychological trauma memory
  • Create a new “reflex button” that establishes a positive emotion
  • Plant positive beliefs in the subconscious
  • Build a positive thinking emotion loop to improve your life quality

If you are sick about your current situation, want to break this negative loop, decided to make a breakthrough in your life, to make your life a transformation; I’m here to help you. This program is for people who are ready to take complete charge of their life.